Building & Hosting a Competition on

Building & Hosting a Competition on

Building & Hosting a Competition on

Building & Hosting a Competition on

People who will action the work of building the competition/process it follows:

  • Helene (builds the Salesforce Form)
  • Millie (builds the website pages)
  • Marcelo (adds the Salesforce Form to the website pages)
  • Millie then sets the pages live & adds tiles if briefed to Homepage

People who should be initially flagged/notified via an Email of the work as a heads up of the Competition:

  • Helene 
  • Millie + Jenny
  • Marcelo + Nina
  • Eloise + Sam

Key Components for a competition:

  1. Clear Prize + Dates + Comp Requirements
  2. A salesforce competition form created (you will need to brief in Helene Gabrielsson <>)
  3. 3 website pages briefed in to Website Content team  + 3 viable image options for the header (you will need to brief in Millie Harvey <>)
  4. If copy is required to be written, brief in Eloise from Editorial with the key information (Eloise Basuki <>)
  5. Dev work lodged (you will need to brief in Nina Malmstrom <>)
  6. A list of where you’re requiring this to be promoted on either or (included on Millie's brief, CC: Jenny Gerada)

Turn-around time for Completion = 2 weeks.

  • Helene = 1 week max minimum - 2 weeks is ideal
  • Eloise = if copy is required, 3 days minimum
  • Millie = 3 days minimum after being provided ALL assets, not partially provided
  • Marcelo = 2 days (includes testing)


Step 1:

Send a heads up email to everyone (list of people above) that a comp is coming, what the dates are and what the turn-around time for work to be completed is.

Note: Millie & Helene can work at the same time separately, Marcelo will need everything completed before he can begin his part

Step 2:

Send the key info (bullet points below) via email to Helene. CC in Millie & Marcelo. 

Mandatory Salesforce Components:

  1. List of new questions/fields for the form
  2. Who should be the owner of the Leads in Salesforce?
  3. Who should have access to the Leads in Salesforce?
  4. The URL to terms & conditions page (Millie can provide this before work commences)

Step 3:

Create a form for Millie. Attach images and copy for each page. Millie will provide you with the URLs.

If you require copy to be written, you will need to brief in Eloise before briefing Millie.

Monday Form: | Select Activity Type: Miscellaneous Digital Requests

Please attach all comp images + copy to this form.


Images = minimum of 3 x :

  • 3200pxl width x 1800pxl height (can be larger – this is just the very smallest we can use)
  • File format: .jpg / .jpeg
  • No text or logo's on images


Landing Page

  • Introduction copy 25-30 words
  • Prize inclusions paragraph
  • Instructions on how to participate (if required)

Thank you Page

  • We can just include generic “Thank you for participating, your entry has been submitted” copy unless you specify otherwise


  • You will need your document approved by Neville, then provide the copy to Millie without any tracked changes, only provide the final approved copy in a word document via Sharepoint.

Step 4:

Helene to create a Jira Ticket for Dev Team, tag Millie in the description so she can provide the URLs.

Jira ticket:

Select: Drupal 8 Project | Issue Type: Task | Assignee: Nina | Provide: HTML code of Comp Form

Example ticket:

Marcelo will then add the HTML code to the comp landing page and complete testing. He'll let Millie know when it's ready.

Step 5: 

Millie will set the pages live & add the competition tile (if you have briefed it) onto the homepage

Header Video Specs