Lake Eyre Tours and Flights from Broken Hill - three days


Lake Eyre Tours and Flights from Broken Hill return to Broken Hill (or Adelaide options). Three days/two nights includes: Lake Eyre flight, lake shore visit by 4WD, wetlands birds area walk and…

Lake Eyre Tours and Flights from Broken Hill return to Broken Hill (or Adelaide options).

Three days/two nights includes: Lake Eyre flight, lake shore visit by 4WD, wetlands birds area walk and lunch, see the Old Ghan Railway, Tom Kruse Outback Mailman from "Back of Beyond" truck and history, Oodnadatta Track, Birdsville Track, Farina ghost town, Marree, Leigh Creek, Copley, Lake Eyre National Park and the Flinders Ranges.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.